These features are coming soon
Ads Filter (Enable embedded/YouTube ad blocking)
Section 1: Select the box to enable and set up YouTube ad filtering. Instructions based on your device are shown and after a few simple steps embedded video ads will be blocked.
Custom Rules (Set redirects or block URLs)
Section 1: Add custom filtering rules to redirect or reject URLs based on simple or more flexible patterns. Patterns are written as regular expressions allowing for precise control over the filtering.
Section 2: Show added rules with options to edit, delete or disable/enable
Add Rule Example
Section 1: Enter the domain you want the rule to act on. Domain must be included as it is a part of the pattern, the pattern will only be valid if it contains this domain.
Section 2: Enter the pattern that will be checked to determine what URLs the rule should apply to. This pattern can be formed using regular expressions to allow for flexibility in the search.
Section 3: Enter the type of pattern, currently the only patterns supported act on URLs.
Section 4: For redirects only, enter the rewrite pattern which is the portion of the pattern that will be overwritten by what is in the rewrite info section.
Section 5: For redirects only, enter the rewrite info which is text that will be overwritten according to the rewrite pattern.
Section 6: Choose what type of action will be performed using the pattern, currently only redirect/rewrite and reject are supported. The various options change the return code the browser receives.
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