Balance Transfer
Balance Transfer shows a log of all the transfers of DPR between the wallet of the current device and other DPR wallets
Section 1: Date range to select desired logs to view
Section 2: Transaction ID tied to each balance transfer
Section 3: The wallet address that the transfer was sent from
Section 4: The wallet address that the transfer was sent to
Section 5: The time and date of the transfer
Section 6: The amount of DPR sent
PoCr Reward
PoCr Reward shows the daily mining rewards the device has received for contributing to the network and sharing bandwidth
Section 1: Date range to show daily mining rewards
Section 2: Total mining rewards over lifetime of device and rewards in selected range of dates
Section 3: Transaction ID tied to each mining payout
Section 4: Mining rewards are sent by the Deeper chain, as shown by this column
Section 5: The wallet address the rewards were sent to
Section 6: The time that the reward was deposited into the wallet
Section 7: The amount of DPR rewarded
Micro Payment
Micro Payment shows a log of all the payments sent from the device to other nodes in the network for utilizing bandwidth over DPN.
Section 1: Date range to select desired logs to view
Section 2: Transaction ID tied to each micro payment
Section 3: The wallet address that the payment was sent from
Section 4: The wallet address that the payment was sent to
Section 5: The time and date of the payment
Section 6: The amount of DPR paid
1 comment
dear fellow workers i have a problem i put 1000 dpr on my deb 20 but it never ended up in my wallet and the site of this one gives an erro my deeper sn is Deeper-Wire-IGG-def8ab09688b|f4159e34fd6ab9fc
wallet /5FyNiaZjoN4s7oeqSaosUayrfuqvEksfjg5bAJWRcT4AkLub help help
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