This article is for users who want to add more staking to earn more rewards. If you are a new user, who is ready to stake, please go here to follow the staking tutorial.
Step 1: Please use the correct link to log in to your account at
Registered with BSC/BEP20 wallet:
Registered with ERC20 wallet:
Step 2: Click "Choose a Plan"
Step 3: Drag the tier bar to the tier you would like to add, you will see the amount DPR you need to stake for that particular tier, and click "Stake"
Step 4: Connect your Metamask wallet, pay two times the gas fee: approval and transaction fee. Please make sure you connect the correct network: BEP20 wallet with BSC Mainnet, ERC20 wallet with Ethereum Mainnet. If you connect the wrong mainnet, you will get a spinning page.
Step 5: After transferring DPR successfully, you will see the number of "Credit Score From Staking" has been changed on the staked page. You can also see your changed credit score under the DPR/ Wallet/ Wallet Balance page and changed rewards under DPR/Mining/ PoCr page at AtomOS.
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