Metamask Wallet Extension Installation:
- Go to
- Click “Download now”
- Select “Chrome” → “Install Metamask for Chrome” → “Chrome”.
The page will then jump to a new Chrome page. Click “Add extension” on the pop-up page. It’ll take Metamask a few minutes to install on Chrome.
- Once installation is complete, you will be able to see the MetaMask fox logo on the top right of your Chrome browser.
-Firefox browser uses Firefox ADD-ONS page to install MetaMask Extension
-Click “Add to Firefox” on the pop-up page. It’ll take a few minutes for MetaMask to install on the Firefox browser.
-Once installation is complete, you will be able to see the MetaMask fox logo on the top right of your Firefox browser.
Configuring the BSC Network in your MetaMask wallet:
-Users have to configure their MetaMask wallet to include the BSC Mainnet (BEP20) in order to stake using Binance Smart Chain.
-Please follow closely the steps in the link below to complete your configuration:
-Once the configuration is complete, you will see “BSC Mainnet” on the top of the wallet, Binance’s yellow logo, as well as “0 BNB” as shown in the picture below.
-If you use the same wallet for both Ethereum and BSC networks, just simply click the dropdown menu to switch the network from the Ethereum Mainnet to BSC Mainnet, as shown in the picture below:
-Click “Import tokens,” copy & paste our BEP20 contract address “0xa0a2ee912caf7921eaabc866c6ef6fec8f7e90a4” into the “Token Contract Address” box. DPR ticker symbol “DPR” and “18” decimal places will automatically be displayed once imported. Click the “Add Custom Token” blue button as shown below:
-As BNB is the gas on the Binance Smart Chain, please be sure to keep some BNB tokens in your BEP20 wallet to allow you to make transactions.
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